What to know about the three kinds of text message templates in Salesforce®
Not everyone on a team has the nack to craft the perfect customer, patient, student, or donor-facing SMS, Survey, or WhatsApp message from scratch-- and that’s okay! Text messaging templates help you accomplish your organizational communication goals without any hesitation.
Why use text message templates?
Text message templates are pre-written messages, responses, or surveys available for your team to use at any time. Mogli sees clients saving time and simplifying their workflows with templates. For example, users can create automated responses to commonly asked questions or collect opt-in consent without extra human resources.
Setting up templates for your Mogli users allows your (stand-in) copywriter to properly organize and disseminate the information, content, and brand voice you want to share with your clients.
Templates guarantee that all members of your organization consistently deliver clear messages that align with your company, school, or organization’s tone and value proposition. Additionally, templates help jumpstart new Mogli users’ confidence when pressing send by providing them with successful messaging examples.
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Types of templates
To help you increase efficiency with your mobile messaging channel Mogli offers three different types of templates.
SMS Template
SMS templates are message templates that apply to any SMS one-to-one or bulk message communication. These Mogli-enabled templates are flexible enough to configure to any Salesforce contact or lead, including various merge fields. Typical uses cases are for event reminders and announcements.
Form Templates
Use a form template any time you need to collect information from your clients quickly. They are perfect for collecting opting-in clients to future messages, receiving feedback to measure your impact, or obtain contact information to create or update an existing lead.
To collect necessary information quickly, create a linear form template. All recipients will receive the same question, such as “please confirm your name.” For a more personalized flow, build a branching tree form template to program your messages based on the user’s response.
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WhatsApp™ Templates
With over two-billion people using WhatsApp in 2020, your international business or organization might need to adopt WhatsApp and take a global approach to your digital marketing and communications.
To initiate a new or outbound conversation, WhatsApp requires business users to have a pre-approved template. The Mogli team will assist you with this approval process, if needed.