WhatsApp™ is what's up on Salesforce®

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Take a quick look at how Mogli works with WhatsApp messaging.

Whats App from Salseforce with Mogli Click image to zoom

WhatsApp™ for businesses and nonprofits on Salesforce®

Reach the people who matter most, no matter where they are. WhatsApp puts over 1.6 billion people into your reach, even when you can't obtain local numbers in the countries where you operate. Outside of the United States, WhatsApp is often the more popular alternative to SMS and Facebook Messenger.

WhatsApp is a highly regulated and clean communication channel, so open and response rates hover around 90%! Take advantage of that, directly in Salesforce for easy access, robust functionality, and insightful reporting.

Whats App on Salesforce Mogli User Interface with conversation view

Popular uses case

All Mogli's SMS features are available in WhatsApp. If your Mogli plan includes WhatsApp capabilities, Salesforce users can move fluidly between SMS & WhatsApp campaigns.

  • Higher Education institutions use WhatsApp to reach international prospective students and keep in touch with alumni after graduation.
  • International sales teams that don't have a local presence use WhatsApp to reach new leads, nurture prospects and close sales, worldwide.
  • Global development initiatives and nonprofits work across borders to achieve their missions with WhatsApp, to schedule volunteers, coordinate fieldwork, fundraise, and reach beneficiaries.
  • Service teams for international products help clients and customers around the world by automating conversations and hopping into one-on-one conversations.

Whats App Mockups3-1

(Start WhatsApp conversations with new leads using Mogli's form templates. You can build as many as you'd like in as many languages as you'd like! This is an example of a Mogli nonprofit client WhatsApp automation, created for both Spanish and English speakers.)



(Use Mogli WhatsApp functionality for meeting reminders, updates, and more! Mogli knows the rules of WhatsApp, so you don't need to remember it all. A WhatsApp conversation must always start with a pre-approved template. Each response to your outgoing message allows you 24hr communication window.)


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