Send bulk SMS & WhatsApp™ messages

Watch An Overview

Bulk texts have become the shining star of SMS marketing with the use of reminders, updates, promotional codes, customer support, and feedback surveys. Gain the SMS and WhatsApp conversion rates that make your business thrive.

Depending on team size and messaging needs, intelligent routing and shortcodes are cost-effective options that allow you to reach the masses.


Efficiently and reliably target specific campaigns or lists, and further personalize your messages with merge fields! Schedule and automate bulk sends as a part of larger process builder or flow automation to scale your efforts with ease.

  • Send timely reminders and updates.
  • Gather feedback with surveys.
  • Engage leads.
  • Add value to customers with promotional codes and sale announcements.
  • Schedule messages as a part of a campaign lifecycle.
  • Send one-off messages immediately, whenever you need.
BulkSMS Mockups Click image to zoom

BulkSMS Mockups2


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