Complimentary Financial Services Text Message Templates

Financial Services Template Download

Text messaging in Salesforce® affords Financial Service teams multiple ways to improve efficiency and client relations. Implementing an SEC-compliant text message strategy and policy provides your Financial Institution with an immediate communication channel while minimizing legal risk. Text messaging boasts sky-high 98% read rates, and a response is typically received within 90 seconds. Additionally, text message automation and templates enable scalable communications with elegant workflow sequences and on-brand messaging, even within lean teams. Templates save your team tons of time!

Whether you’re sending bulk messages to tens of thousands of people, or if you’re engaging with a single client in one-to-one messaging, you can utilize templates within a multitude of messaging scenarios. You can also leverage templates in linear or branching surveys and forms for everything from lead generation and qualification - data collection and feedback surveys. This template guide download will set you up for success.

Templates ensure consistent and personalized messaging, keeping you within the control of your organization’s representation. Whether you have one Salesforce admin managing your messaging, or multiple Mogli users (such as insurance agents, real estate agents, lending agents, wealth managers, or otherwise), templates safeguard your brand.

Mogli permission sets allow you to customize access to your templated messages, which is essential for keeping detailed historical message records for audits and data reporting, and insights. 

This template guide serves as inspiration for both Mogli users seeking to expand upon how they apply their existing tools and Mogli!

Get it Sent Straight to Your Inbox


Templates ensure your company maintains consistent yet personalized messaging representing your organization’s voice. Whether you have one Salesforce admin at the helm of your on-platform messaging or have multiple Mogli users (insurance agents, real estate agents, lending agents, wealth managers, or otherwise), templates safeguard your brand.

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Mogli permission sets allow you to choose who can write and edit templated messages, send them, and read them, which is essential for keeping detailed historical message records for audits and data reporting, and insights. 

This template guide serves as inspiration for both Mogli users seeking to expand upon how they apply the tools already at their disposal and those curious about working with a Salesforce app that provides performance superior to any other communication channel.


Mogli’s Text Messaging Template Guide Includes Templates for:

  • Opt-in

  • Loan payment reminders 

  • Upcoming invoice reminders

  • Missed payment reminders 

  • Auto-payment reminders

  • Deposit received confirmation 

  • Account change confirmation

  • Account balance

  • Fraud alert 

  • Call log receipt 

  • Customer service request confirmation

  • Appointment scheduling and reminders 

  • Automated text reminders to complete an application or paperwork

Create Consistent Messaging

  • Save time and simplify your workflow 
  • Create automated responses to customer service requests
  • Guarantee that all Mogli users’ messages are consistent to avoid clients confusion or concluding a text is fraudulent   
  • Jumpstart new Mogli user’s confidence by providing them with successful messaging examples.

Do More of What Matters 

Mogli is a native Salesforce application for WhatsApp & SMS. With user-friendly, robust functionality, and a fantastic USA-based Customer Success team, Mogli has inspired successful outcomes for education institutions and nonprofits worldwide. The application also offers innovative features such as automation tools, artificial intelligence, and text-to-pay options that suit various use cases and needs. 

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